This is my webpage for GITA 1. We
are studying C#. Its my first year of computer
science. It difficult to learn but its what I
call hard fun.

About Page


In this project, we learned how to use labels and buttons. We also learned how to make our own company with descriptions.

Mailing Label


In this project, we learned how to use make a proper mailing label that is based on the users input. This helped me get more familiar with variables and textboxes.

Car Rental


In this project, we integrated the mailing label project with some other math to calculate and make a reciept of how much it would cost to rent a car. We learned how to make the design better and messed around with the form size.



This project helped me get more familiar with all the equations and functions in C#. This project was a fun project in my opinion because I got to plan a meal plan for the user depending on their BMI.

Car Rental Upgrade


The Car Rental Upgrade in my opinion, was easier than the car rental becasue I already understood the concept and I just understood this easy. The cars in my project were fun to look up and research abouty. I also liked the usage of checkboxes and radiobuttons.

Triangle Checker


In this project, we learned how to classify trianges by their angles and sides. This took a lot of if - statements and it was actually a useful project to make since it got me more familiar with triangles.

Craps Game


In this project, we learned how to use random variables so the dice can move through 1 through 6. This is essential for later projects.

Slot Machine


In this project, we used our newly learned skills of random to make the slots roll. This used many random variables and was hard to keep track of.

Robotics Over Under


In this project, we made a scoring system that teks in inputs and calculates the total score for the robotics team.

Incremental Game


In this project, I learned how to make a semi - moving graphic. This was the first time using different properties on a label.

Spooky Staircase


In this project, this introduced me to arrays. This was a fun project to make.

AI Chase


In this project, we learned how to make the computer chase us by using conditions and timers to power it.

2D Submarine


This project was a challenging one since it included 2 D arrays. This was a confusing concept to wrap my head around, but eventually I got it.

Fishing Simulator


In my opinion, this was the hardest project for me. I kept on procrastinating and making excuses which set me up, and I also wasn't paying attention to the lesson. I eventually figured it out after staying up to 12 o clock.



In this project, I used for loops to make the code more effecient.

Math Menu


In this project, I learned how to make all the equations for different math functions such as summation, and prime numbers.

Simple Board Game


In this project, I learned how to make a board game and have different circumstances. This taught me how to problem solve.

Bee Simulator


In this project, we learned how to be more open ended and be more creative. This was a project with lists.